The Classic 'Sub-acute Inflammation' Sign for an Under-acid Stomach

Client had a very short attention span but was a genius at engineering, with several inventions over a variety of engineering disciplines. (Claimed that, if he had been 50 years younger, he would have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; which suggests that a calcium/magnesium deficiency may be an important aspect of such a diagnosis.)
Although having no knowledge or previous experience with medicine or physiology, client developed his own hydrochloric acid supplementation 'protocol', titrating the number of capsules based upon whether his sclera was either 'clear' or 'murky' in the morning. When his sclera was 'clear', he would take 3 2.5 grain capsules one or more times per day; when his sclera was 'murky' he would take as many as 8 2.5 grain capsules, once, twice or more times per day depending upon the effect upon his sclera. Had established a correlation between the condition of his sclera and his over-all feeling of well-being. ('Murkiness' to the sclera was likely a build-up of histamine; although this is merely conjecture.)
Within approximately a year of adopting this 'protocol', client reported that he had lost 22 pounds and was no longer taking prescription medications for either cholesterol, blood pressure or prostate problems.
This picture--specifically, the acute sign in the Peyer's Patches (2:30 o'clock, within the under-acid 'halo')--is, by the way, a graphic validation of an article entitled: "Local Hormone Networks and Intestinal T Cell Homeosotasis" published in SCIENCE, Vol. 275, 28 March,1997. (But an e-mail to the author in this regard failed to elicit a response.)
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