Chlorine and Heavy Metal (?) Toxicity in a Blue (yes, blue) Iris

Black density at ~8 o'clock and 1/4th the distance from the pupil to the periphery of the iris (8:00, .25R) is in the area of the gall bladder (which, similar to the thyroid, is, according to Dr. Bernard Jensen, an 'iodine' organ) and suggests severe under-activity of the gall bladder and the posssibility of a gall stone (which can be ruled out by an ultrasound ordered by a doctor). Also recommend tests for thyroid function.
Possible under-acid stomach ring (~6:30-8:30, .25R).
Yellow tinge to iris indicates over-acidity to the body (recommend alkalinizing diet); orange and reddish-brown coloration is suggestive of possible heavy metal toxicity. (Recommend intravenous and/or oral chelation; cilantro (?); horsetail and stinging nettle teas (?)
Client reported a severe reaction to being placed on a beta blocker for hypertension; was, for a number of years, a member of a synchronized swimming team, which required long hours of exposure each day to chlorinated swimming pool water. (Recommend ozonated swimming pool water, as is common in Europe.)
Size of pupil is suggestive of adrenal fatigue (vitamin C? astragalus?)
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