Chronic to Degenerative Lesion in Prostate

Chronic to degenerative lesion observed (at ~7:00 o'clock, .25-.50R) indicating problems with the prostate. Chronic to degenerative lesion also observed at the splenic flexure of the colon (at ~1:00 o'clock, .25-.50 R) (Lesions are much sharper and deeper on original image.) Recommended that he see a doctor for further evaluation.
Dr. returned a diagnosis of a chronic prostatitis which, however, was refractory to multiple anti-biotics.
Client had taken several courses of a variety of anti-biotics over several years for annual or semi-annual URIs (upper respiratory infections) without, however, supplementing with acidophilus, bifidophilus or multi-dophilus cultures. This suggests that the resulting prostatitis was the consequence of the elimination of the beneficial bacteria from the colon.
Inasmuch as the client was experiencing no symptoms, this slide raises the question of whether those who are ultimately diagnosed with prostate cancer do/did not have a long-term undiagnosed chronic prostatitis which weakened the prostate gland, making cancer that much more likely. Thus, clients with these particular signs in their iris would be much more effectively served by the test for prostate specific antigen than those who do not have such signs; which, of course, would help in reducing health care costs.
In addition, Dr. Bernard Jensen referred to this pairing of chronic signs in the prostate and the splenic flexure of the colon as a 'prostate syndrome' because of the number of times he had observed such a pairing.
Dr. Jensen also suggests that assessment of prostate problems on the basis of the iris is much more accurate as well as, shall we say, 'less invasive' than the common test for prostate problems. (Benign prostatic hyperplasia or hypertrophy, however, typically presents as an acute--i.e., inflammation--sign rather than a chronic to degenerative sign.)
In this particular case, it was recommended that the client undergo a series of colonics and other natural modalities and dietary changes to correct the fundamental problem of colon toxicity. Additionally, foods with high levels of zinc (to improve immunity as well as support the prostate) would be recommended--soaked and drained (to deactivate the enzyme inhibitors) pumpkin seeds, for example.
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